Houston, Can You Hear Me?

This project seeks to redefine the meaning of security and face the food desert problem in the city’s upper Third Ward district, translating it from an object with a negative connotation to an object that holds the potential to improve the sense of community and generate economy. By importing the existing fence typology and layering it into a community garden, the fence behaves less as a defensive architecture and more as an architecture that gathers and provides the framework for creating healthier food options for the neighborhood. Not only does this attitude towards design create a social agenda to the work, but also create a new mode of representation. Through cataloguing the fences and adding a selection of plants, a palette of objects and patterns is created and thus allows for the co-mingling of plants and fences.


Architectural designer, User researcher, Visual designer

Individual project

Jan-May 2016

Tools Used:
Rhino3D, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Modelmaking

Fences: a defensive architecture in the upper Third Ward


Garden axonometric


Fence catalogue (L-R: porous to solid)


Site-specific fence documentation studies


Garden plan


Site axonometric


Remnants of the garden


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