Subculture Sanctuary

Between the backyards, cul-de-sacs, garages and basements of suburbia, where do moments of genius occur? This project examines the role of the suburb and the subcultures that exist amidst it for the masterplan of the city of Barrow, Alaska. Through the creation of de-programmed spaces in suburbia, come the opportunity to facilitate and even accelerate these moments of research, experimentation, and magic. This project was presented as an animation and can be viewed below:


Architectural designer, motion designer, researcher

Eric Giragosian, Anushka Shevade

Aug - Dec 2017

Tools Used:
After Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop, Rhino 3D

Chunk model

Suburban sanctuaries in popular culture


Catalogue of local rooflines


Economic diagrams of suburbia (L-R): 1909 Theorem, James Wines’ High Rise of Homes, and proposed diagram


Sample units


Block organization and negative spaces for subcultures


City organization


City programs


Midterm progress: School

Midterm progress: Office

Midterm progress: Supermarket


Chunk model

City model

Chunk model

Chunk model


Plan oblique

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